Spina Date Seed 酸枣仁
Nature of herb: Neutral
Taste: Slightly sweet, sour
Category: Seed
Nourish the Heart and Liver. Calm the Heart and mind. Reduce Sweating. -
Rhizoma Pinelliae 半夏
Nature of herb: Warm, slight toxicity
Taste: Spicy
Category: Root
Reduce dampness and phelgm -
Liquorice Root 炙甘草
Nature of herb: Neutral
Taste: Sweet
Category: Root
Strengthen the Spleen and Gut, tonify Qi and normalise pulse. -
Bamboo Shavings 竹茹
Nature of herb: Cool
Taste: Slightly sweet
Category: Stem
Strengthen the Spleen and Gut, tonify Qi and normalise pulse. -
Tuber Fleeceflower Stem 夜交藤
Nature of herb: Neutral
Taste: Slightly bitter
Category: Stem
Nourish blood and calm mind. -
White Peony Root 白芍
Nature of herb: Cool
Taste: Slightly bitter, sour
Category: Root
Nourish blood and regulate menstruation. Reduce sweating. Soothe liver to relieve pain. -
Chinese Thorowax Root 柴胡
Nature of herb: Cool
Taste: Slightly bitter
Category: Root
Clear heat. Soothe the Liver to improve Qi flow. -
Villous Amomum 砂仁
Nature of herb: Warm
Taste: Acrid but fresh, slightly bitter
Category: Seed
Dissolve phlegm, improve appetite, warm Spleen to alleviate diarrhea, regulate Qi, secure fetus
Pilose Asiabell Root 党参
Nature of herb: Neutral
Taste: Slightly sweet
Category: Root
Stengthen the Gut and Spleen to tonify Qi. -
Ginger 姜
Nature of herb: Warm
Taste: Spicy
Category: Root
Warm the body to disperse cold -
Chinese Angelica 当归
Nature of herb: Warm
Taste: Sweet, acrid & slightly bitter
Category: Root
Nourish and circulate blood. Regulate Menstruation and relieve pain. Promote bowel movement. -
Szechwan Lovage Rhizome 川芎
Nature of herb: Warm
Taste: Bitter, acrid, slightly tongue-numbing and then slightly sweet
Category: Rhizome
Circulate blood and Qi. Reduce Wind and relieve pain.
Largehead Atractylodes Rhizome 白术
Nature of herb: Warm
Taste: Sweet and slightly acrid, slightly sticky when chewed
Category: Root
Strengthen the spleen to tonify Qi, dry dampness, drain water retention, stop sweating, secure fetus -
Rehmannia Root 生地黄
Nature of herb: Cold
Taste: Slightly sweet
Category: Root
Clear heat and cool blood. -
Poria 茯苓
Nature of herb: Neutral
Taste: Mild
Category: Fungi
Reduce dampness by promoting urination. Strengthen the Spleen and calm the Heart. -
Dried Ginger 干姜
Nature of herb: Warm
Taste: Spicy
Category: Root
Warm the body to disperse cold.
Oriental Waterplantain Rhizome 泽泻
Nature of herb: Cold
Taste: Slightly bitter
Category: Root
Reduce dampness by promoting urination. Decrease cholesterol. -
Polyporus 猪苓
Nature of herb: Neutral
Taste: Mild
Category: Mycorrhiza
Reduce dampness by promoting urination. -
Kudzuvine Root 葛根
Nature of herb: Cool
Taste: Slightly sweet
Category: Root
Reduce heat and relieve muscle tension. -
Incised Notopterygium Rhizome 羌活
Nature of herb: Warm
Taste: Slightly bitter, acrid
Category: Rhizome
Reduce dampness by promoting urination.
Cassia Twig 桂枝
Nature of herb: Warm
Taste: Sweet and slightly acrid, cortex with a stronger taste
Category: Root
Warm meridians and improve Qi cirulation. -
Danshen Root 丹参
Nature of herb: Cool
Taste: Slightly bitter-astringent
Category: Root
Cirulate blood to remove blood stasis. Unblock merdians to relieve pain. Clear heat in Heart to relieve restlessness.