Brain Booster
Brain Booster
Balance Brew’s tried & tested concoction of powerful herbs to improve mental alertness, memory, and even maintaining and intensifying hair pigmentation. This all-natural herbal brew helps to boost brain health comes in a 7-day subscription program of brewable and ready-brew formulations to build and optimise its benefits.
Great for:
- Mental Alertness
- Improving Memory
- Speeding up Recall
- Intensifying Focus
- Darkening hair
Collapsible content
Quality Markers
- HSA & SFA Approved
- Tested for heavy metals
- Tested for microbials
- Use with caution in pregnancy.
- Use with caution in individuals with liver impairment.
- Avoid overdose or prolonged use.
Key Ingredients
Barbary Wolfberry Fruit
Nature of herb: Neutral
Taste: Sweet
Category: Fruit
Strengthen Kidney & Liver and improves eyesight. -
Black Bean
Nature of herb: Neutral
Taste: Sweet
Category: Seed
Nourish Kidney & blood, reduce water retention. -
Black Sesame
Nature of herb: Neutral
Taste: Mild
Category: Fungi
Strengthen Kidney & Liver, nourish blood and promotes bowel movement. -
Chinese Angelica
Nature of herb: Warm
Taste: Sweet and acrid
Category: Root
Nourish and circulate blood. Regulate Menstruation and relieve pain. Promote bowel movement. -
Dodder Seed
Nature of herb: Neutral
Taste: Mild
Category: Fungi
Nourishes the liver and kidneys, supports pregnancy, improves eyesight, and stops diarrhoea. -
Fleeceflower Root
Nature of herb: Cold
Taste: Bitter sweet and astringent
Category: Root
Nourish Liver & Kidneys and blood, darkens hair, strengthens muscles and bones, and reduces turbidity. -
Malaytea Scurfpea Fruit
Nature of herb: Warm
Taste: Acrid and bitter
Category: Fruit
Warm Kidney & Spleen, relieve panting & diarrhoea. -
Nature of herb: Neutral
Taste: Mild
Category: Fungi
Reduce dampness by promoting urination. Strengthen the Spleen and calm the Heart. -
Twotoothed Achyranthes Root
Nature of herb: Neutral
Taste: Bitter sweet and sour
Category: Root
Remove blood stasis, strengthen Liver and Kidney. -
White Peony Root
Nature of herb: Cool
Taste: Slightly bitter, sour
Category: Root
Nourish blood and regulate menstruation. Reduce sweating. Soothe liver to relieve pain.